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Pridružite se distribucijskemu omrežju Slovenia Benelli in dvignite svoje podjetje do izjemnega uspeha.
Izkoristite to priložnost, da vodite na trgu z našimi izjemnimi modeli in postanite v ospredju naslednje velike motociklistične revolucije.
Vsak korak našega izbirnega postopka je natančno zasnovan tako, da se našim vrstam pridružijo le najbolj strastni in sposobni distributerji, ohranjajo prestižno podobo blagovne znamke in neomajno zavezanost kakovosti.

Kontaktirajte nas

Izpolnjevanje začetne prijave

Začnite svojo pot do odličnosti. Izpolnite začetno prijavo z natančnostjo in namenom ter postavite temelje za partnerstvo, ki ga zaznamujejo zavezanost in uspeh. Navedite nam svoje podatke in začnimo pogovor, ki bi lahko na novo opredelil pokrajino motoristične industrije na vašem ozemlju

Izpolnjevanje zahtev

Popnite se na nove poslovne višine z usklajevanjem z našimi visokimi standardi. Zberite potrebno dokumentacijo in izpolnite zahteve, ki zagotavljajo vašo sposobnost ohranjanja prestižnega ugleda blagovne znamke Benelli . Pokažite svojo predanost kakovosti in storitvam, atributom, ki se ujemajo z našo ugledno stranko.

Predstavitev vašega poslovnega načrta

Chart the course for triumph with a business plan that demonstrates clear vision and robust strategy. Present to us a roadmap that articulates how you will navigate the market currents, steer thae [:#brand_name] brand to prominence in your region, and generate waves of success. Your plan should reflect a deep understanding of your local market and a blueprint for growth that aligns with our brand's values and ambitions

Podpis pogodbe

Začetni postopek zaključite s podpisom pogodbe, kar je pomemben korak, ki utrdi vaš status elitnega distributerja Benelli . Ta pogodba je več kot le dokument; je medsebojna zaveza, da si prizadevamo za veličino, vez, ustvarjena v duhu inovativnosti, odličnosti in medsebojne blaginje. Prijavite se in stopite v področje ekskluzivnih priložnosti in skupnih zmag

All you need to know about Become Distributor

The financial requirements vary based on the specific market and size of the territory. We seek partners who have the financial stability to invest in inventory, marketing, and the establishment of a strong sales network. A detailed breakdown will be provided during the initial application process.
While prior experience in motorcycle distribution is beneficial, it is not strictly necessary. We are looking for partners with a strong business acumen, a proven track record in successful entrepreneurship, or a deep understanding of the automotive industry.
Benelli offers comprehensive support to our distributors, including but not limited to, training programs, marketing materials, product information, and sales strategy guidance. We also provide continuous operational support to ensure our distributors are successful in their markets.
The duration of the process can vary, usually taking anywhere from a few weeks to several months. This timeline is dependent on factors such as the completion of due diligence, the negotiation phase, and the readiness of the applicant to meet our requirements.
We assess such situations on a case-by-case basis. The decision depends on potential conflicts of interest, market positioning, and the applicant's ability to manage multiple brands without compromising the growth and representation of Benelli motorcycles.